Follow Instructions
Blueprint for your code and execution environment. They are a snapshot of an operating system, along with any code, data and configuration you specify.
Images are usually specified as [name]:[version]
$ docker run ubuntu:16.04
If an image you specify isn't found on your computer, Docker looks for it in a registry and tries to downloads it from there
You can see all the images you have on your system
$ docker images
and delete them if you don't need them any more
$ docker rmi ubuntu:16.04
When you run
an image, you get a container.
$ docker run --name ubuntu-test --rm -it ubuntu:16.04 bash
You can see all the containers you have running on your system
$ docker ps
and delete them if you don't need them any more
$ docker rm ubuntu-test
Act like mounts or shared drives
As a matter of principle, don't expect data to persist in a container unless it is in a volume
Start an ubuntu container with a volume called test_volume
mounted at /tmp
$ docker run --name ubuntu-test --rm -it -v ubuntu-volume:/tmp ubuntu:16.04 bash
Display all volumes
$ docker volume ls
Data in a volume is only available to containers that mount it
Get data in and out of a running container with docker cp
$ docker cp ubuntu-test:/tmp/blarg .
Start an ubuntu container with host directory /tmp
mounted in the container at /tmp
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp:/tmp ubuntu:16.04 bash
Can be convenient but has some issues we'll come back to
A "practical" example
We extracted all the A T G and Cs using this terrifying bash script:
echo ">X" > /tmp/dna && egrep [atcg] -oIRh | tr -d '\n' >> /tmp/dna
(Don't try and memorise this)
We found a docker image online with blast installed
docker pull simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker
And a set of mitocondrial fish fasta files
wget ""
We built the database
docker run --rm -v ~/blast/project:/blast -v ~/blast/databases:/db /
-w /blast simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker /
makeblastdb -in /blast/fish.fa -parse_seqids -dbtype nucl
Then ran our fasta file against it
docker run --rm -v ~/blast/project:/blast -v ~/blast/databases:/db /
-w /blast simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker blastn -query /blast/test.faa /
-db /db/fish.fa -task blastn -out q_seq_V_pres_db
This is no better than just downloading blast.
And there are far too many options.
And making the database each time is a pain.
We can make our own docker image!
A Docker image is built from a Dockerfile
which contains, at a minimum, a parent image and a command that the container runs
As we're pretty happy with the image from the previous command, we're going to use that as our parent
FROM simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker:2.2.30plus
We want to create some directories, as we'll use them later
RUN mkdir /db
Next, we want to add the contents of the database folder to our image
ADD database /db
There's no getting round the fact that blast has a load of setup options, so we've hidden them in a bash script which we need to add
ADD /blast/
RUN chmod +x /blast/
We need some volumes for the input and output files to go into
VOLUME /input
VOLUME /output
Finally, we need the image to run that script when it starts
ENTRYPOINT ["/blast/"]
FROM simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker:2.2.30plus
RUN mkdir /db
ADD database /db
ADD /blast/
RUN chmod +x /blast/
VOLUME /input
VOLUME /output
ENTRYPOINT ["/blast/"]
We need to create an image (called blast-fish)
docker build -t blast-fish .
And run it!
docker run --rm -v *input_directory or file*:/input -v *output_directory*:/output blast-fish
Samaris cristatus (["Pleuronectiformes;"] ["Samarida... 86.0 1e-12
Cockatoo righteye flounder
Docker run
commands can get pretty ugly. Docker compose is a good way of taming this
Best-practice is to run one process per container. Docker compose also makes managing multiple containers easier
If you mount volumes from the host machine, managing permissions can be tricky. If you use docker data volumes, getting the data in and out is annoying. Docker compose can also make managing volumes easier.