Docker is used to build and run the various system components, and Kubernetes is used for orchestration. The components of the system are:

  • Tomcat
  • Apache
  • MySql
  • Solr
  • Geoserver
  • ActiveMQ

The images can be built and used localy, but are also built by Travis.


The web application is split into two components, the portal and harvester. Each is packaged in it’s own tomcat container and run independently. Apache sits in front of the tomcat applications as a proxy and to serve static assets.

Docker images are built via maven and the docker-maven-plugin. Docker configuration lives in the docker/ directory of the relevant submodule.


We are targeting Google Container Engine (gce) as our deployment environment. Images are named appropriately for pushing to the Google Container Registry. The specific repo to use is specified with the docker.registry property.

Configuration is available on Github